Homework Writing Sites

Current rating gatherd by homework help experts from ismcommunity.org, leading homework help community for high school, college and university students.


  • 100% Reliable
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A helpful website providing all necessary information about academic paper writing. Thank you, guys!

John Gerrard


A place where students can find lots of useful information that most teachers often forget to tell.

Michael Smith


Thesisgeek.com Review

I know everyone has their own version of story with thesisgeek.com, but mine is filled with appreciation and humility when I assigned my Master’s degree dissertation to them. The final year had approached and I wanted my dissertation to be distinction material which could surprise my mentors and supervisors. I possessed all the necessary skills but lacked self-confidence and on the other hand wanted the best dissertation ever. I really wanted to impress my peers and teachers with a distinction style research paper. To my relief, thesisgeek.com submitted a paper which was above and beyond my level of expectations. The service was professional which covered all the directions issued by me. Moreover, I did not want to forget to mention that it was plagiarism free and in turn got me through to a very good grade.

Thesisgeek.com offers a variety of services to its users. The feedback section is good source of information on what services are being offered right now but I personally have a list as well. Thesisgeek.com offers A-Z services for dissertations of all levels, be it an undergrad, post graduate or a post doctorate level. These A-Z services entail selection of the topic, finding errors and omissions in the paper, etc. No matter what the difficulty level is, they will always help you out while adhering to the timelines assigned. They know their work very well and with their experience you can gain good grades and achieve success in the subject of your choice.

Moving on to the pricing factor, I believe that thesisgeek.com has the easiest to comprehend cost structure. The costs depend on the type of service chosen and whether you’re an undergrad, post grad or a post doctorate level. Costs vary for each level. It is also dependent on the deadlines informed by yourself. If the deadlines have approached very near then it may cost more as compared if ample time is available in submission. Even then the cost structure is very accommodating and reasonable. They are especially very reasonable for post grads and post doctorate students and with the high standard of services, the costs are negligible and that is me speaking with experience of working with them.

Deadlines scare students and can sometimes mean a sudden drop in grade if not submitted timely. May be that’s a lot of feedback here is related to timelines and meeting deadlines. From my personal experience, my post graduate dissertation was submitted timely which was a great sigh of relief for me. Not only that I didn’t have to make a lot of follow ups and the workflow from thesisgeek.com was uninterrupted and fluent without any surprises. I was actually worried a lot pertaining to meet the deadlines and fortunately I received my research paper timely was able to turn it in within the timeline as well.

The customer services and support is very efficient and are available 24/7. The staff takes personal responsibility of answering queries. You don’t have to find the help section and is available at the main screens making it very easy to find staff and make inquiries. They are good people and take things personally in serving their clients. I have found similar feedback in the review section. I personally have found them available and resourceful which helps them to answer my queries immediately without delay.
